
Editor’s Choice Collection!

Laura Ciammaruchi’s article on ITIC and ITIC-4F photostability is selected for the Editors Choice Collection of the Journal Material Advances.



The good work performed by our group members Laura Ciammaruchi, Osnat Zapata and Marian Campoy has been recognized with the inclusion of their article Structure dependent photostability of ITIC and ITIC-4F in the Editors Choice Collection of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, by the associate editors for both this journal and Materials Advances, Renaud Demadrille (Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble, France) and Yana Vaynzof (Technical University of Dresden, Germany). They have selected a few outstanding recent manuscripts on organic photovoltaics in order to highlight developments in this field. This online collection includes recent manuscripts from Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances on the topic.


Congrats to Laura, Osnat and Mariano!!



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