
Mariano Campoy explains the ORGEVINE project in this new video from ICMAB

Mariano shows the latest advances in the ORGEVINE project, acronym for  “ORganic thermoelectric GEnerators to power precision VIticulture sensor NEtworks” 


Self-powered thermoelectric prototype to monitor vineyards in real time. All rights reserved to Mariano Campoy-Quiles


The ICMAB communication department (Anna May and Artur Martínez) has created a video interviewing Mariano Campoy-Quiles about the ORGEVINE project, showing as well images of the prototype and epxlaining its working priciples, and commenting the results obtained so far. For more information related to the project, please visit this entry in the ICMAB news webpage.


Without further ado, here is the video:


Thank you for the awesome video, ICMAB!



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