Ho-ho-ho! On 15th of December we rounded of the year with the second Forematic Day. It was a special way to celebrate the second anniversary of the FOREMAT project (ERC consolidator), with many new people having joined the group since the last meeting and exciting recent scientific developments.
Mariano’s overview of the project’s progress and goals was followed by short, elevator-pitch-style presentations by each of the group members on their current research. Later on each of us presented their own out-of-the-box scientific idea. Since there was absolutely no pressure to turn them into reality (Mariano’s promise), there were many wild and fun ideas flying around the table, with the contributions from Martí and Alex voted as the most popular. They’ll be happy to tell you the details!
Finally, Mariano was awarded with a unique 3D-printed version of the FOREMAT logo and, after some pica-pica, we all went to Sabadell to do the ‘Escape Room’ challenge. (Everyone managed to get out in time for the Christmas holidays.)
Season’s greetings to all – and here’s to a great 2018!