
Congratulations Dr. Albert Harillo, new NANOPTO PhD graduate!

Doctor Albert Harillo from the Nanostructured Materials for Optoelectronics and Energy Harvesting (NANOPTO) Group at ICMAB-CSIC, defended his PhD thesis titled “High-Throughout Methodologies for Binary and Ternary Organic Solar Cells”, on Friday 15th December 2023.

Nanopto´s spin off is hiring a postdoc

Molecular Gate SL – a CSIC spin-off company – is currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join the team. The company is currently based at ICMAB-CSIC (Bellaterra, Barcelona) and is developing advanced patterned optical systems for security and sensing applications.

SOLS wins the “Llavor” prize at EmErgEnt.

EmErgEnt Award from the Efficient Energy Cluster in Catalunya (Clúster de l’Energia Eficient de Catalunya, CEEC) in the “Llavor” category for a patented instrument at ICMAB to optimize photovoltaic cells.

SYNATRA sings at Spain press

The SYNATRA project catched the attention of spanish press media. Specially, Mariano Campoy was interviewed at RNE.

Business developer and marketing specialist position for European Project on time-temperature indicators for pharmaceuticals

The candidate will work on the project The cold-chain challenge: à la carte Time-temperature indicators enabled by patterned structural colour in organic semiconductors (VERITASCAN) within the framework of the EU ERC Proof of Concept 2022 grants. The ambition of VERITASCAN is to advance a novel class of time-temperature indicators characterized by low cost, broad application-centred […]

Postdoctoral Researcher Position on time-temperature indicators based on patterned structural colour in organic semiconductors

The candidate will work on the project The cold-chain challenge: à la carte Time-temperature indicators enabled by patterned structural colour in organic semiconductors (VERITASCAN) within the framework of the EU ERC Proof of Concept 2022 grants. The ambition of VERITASCAN is to advance a novel class of time-temperature indicators characterized by low cost, broad application-centred […]