Brand: Witec alpha300RA
- Integration time as low as 10 ms per point
- Measures either in continuum or point by point
- Confocality < 1 micron
- Lateral resolution: diffraction limited
- Co-locality between large (squared cms) and small images (squared mcrons) within ca 1 micron
- Excitation wavelengths: 355 nm, 488 nm, 532 nm, 633 nm, 785 nm
- Two spectrometers and two cameras for fast speed and high quantum efficiency detection from UV to NIR.
- 6 different gratings to choose between high spectral resolution Raman or photoluminescence imaging
- Integrated AFM head for co-local imaging
- Chromatic optical profilometer (resolution in z of 100 nm)
Laboratory: Nanotechnology
Responsible: Mariano Campoy Quiles (