Nanopto in the catalan TV
Mariano Campoy-Quiles thermoelectrics team has appeared in the catalan television last tuesday (16 of March of 2021), in a program called “Valor Afegit”.
Mariano Campoy-Quiles thermoelectrics team has appeared in the catalan television last tuesday (16 of March of 2021), in a program called “Valor Afegit”.
Mariano shows the latest advances in the ORGEVINE project, acronym for “ORganic thermoelectric GEnerators to power precision VIticulture sensor NEtworks”
Nanopto jumps on the bandwagon of using one the most popular techniques for scientific outreach: Youtube
Martí Gibert, PhD of our group, participated on Friday, 8 November 2019, on the YouTube Science Truck programme
Paula Pamies has edited a video in which the process of fabrication or organic solar cells with thickness gradients is explained.
Organics thermoelectrics have experienced an impressive development over the last years. However, there are still some open questions about the potential of the organic based thermoelectric technology.
Mariano Campoy Quiles ha publicado un artículo en el Blog del CSIC sobre la proliferación de editoriales de revistas y organizadores de eventos que son supuestamente científicos, pero en realidad solo buscan el lucro.
Juan Luis Garcia-Pomar et al. wrote for Opt. Pura Apl. by the International Year of Light 2015
Mariano Campoy-Quiles wrote this divulgative article for Materia in 2013 when Ikea started to sell solar panels in UK. The aim of this article was to encourage other shopping centres to sell photovoltaic systems for self-consumption. To read the article, click here
In this article, Dr. Campoy explains how an organic solar cell works, the technical limitations and future outlook for organic photovoltaic technology. Células_solares_plásticas-Campoy REF 2014